The Humanities Matter at #CongreSSH

This coming weekend, the MakerBus team will be on location at the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, advocating on behalf of 4Humanities and the Humanities Matter Tour. Earlier this year we were part of a Kickstarter campaign that would have seen us traveling across the US and Canada interviewing folks about the past, present, and future of humanities education. Though the campaign wasn’t successfully funded, the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences caught wind of our project, and kindly offered us the funding to come to their annual meeting, Congress, and begin our interviews on location. If you are going to be at Congress, please stop by and talk to us! (You won’t miss us, we’re the bright blue bus at Jubilee Court!)

What we’d like to do between now and Saturday morning is to collect a series of questions to ask the scholars we interview during our time at Brock. We’ve created a Google Doc to help out with this, and started things out by adding the three questions we asked our original set of participants (you can see those videos at the bottom of this page). So if you’ve got a few minutes, have a think about what you’d like to ask the top minds in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Canada regarding the humanities, and jot the questions down for us here. We’ll put them in a jar and have each participant answer one of them during their interview.

If you have any questions about the Humanities Matter Bus Tour project, or would like to help out in preparation for next year’s tour, please get in touch at We’d love to hear from you!

Thanks to

for their generous sponsorship of the project, and to

for their continued support.
